▼Menu - Live2D assets▼

・All price for Live2D and other assets includes Commercial (promotional) rights by default. You are not allowed to resell the model without my permission except you buy the full copyrights (around 2x commercial price, NDA excluded).
・Price changes depends on the difficulty and details.
・Does NOT include design fee.
・Does NOT include rigging
・Payment plans available. Please contact me for further informations.
・Please book me at least 3 months before your scheduled rigging, doesn't include design time if you ordered character design. I will not guarantee finish earlier than that.
You will get:
・ Basic front look rendered illustration
・ Layered PSD file. Canvas height 5000px, 400dpi
・3 expression assets of your request

Standard Live2D  
BustupUSD 350+IDR 4250k+
Half bodyUSD 500+IDR 6250k+
FullbodyUSD 750+IDR 9000k+
HalfbodyUSD 200+IDR 2500k+
2H FullbodyUSD 275+IDR 3350k+
3H FullbodyUSD 350+IDR 4250k+
Other Live2D assets  
Expression (~3)USD 50+IDR 500k+
Hands (no finger trace)USD 75+IDR 800k+
Outfit, acc (std)USD 150+IDR 1750k+
Outfit, acc (chibi)USD 75+IDR 800k+
Assets cutting +void fillUSD 350+IDR 4000k+

・Full model in nude available with adds-on. Price will be around 30~50% model price.
・For model cutting, if I am not the original artist for the illustration you are using, I will need a written permission from the original artist and their contacts. The void filling style will follow the original illustration artstyle as much as possible

Previous client

Fenwick Alcester
Twitch | Twitter | Youtube | Model showcase by cinnameg
Character design, Reactive PNGs, Live2D model, extra accessories by Luca Delucio

▼Surprise Comms▼

Cheaper personal commissions with ske/b style system.
Please make sure to read the Terms of Service below because it is different from the general one.

Surprise Commission Special ToS

  • Minimum price is for colored sketch, up to bust up (might be cropped for composition)

  • All handling fee will be paid by customer (if any)

  • No WIP, no revision. Please give me a brief lore of your characters, visual references, and the concepts you want.

  • Strictly personal usage only

  • Result will arrive to your email within 60 days. Check Trello for queue.

  • Your order might get declined.


  1. Read the special Terms of Service for surprise commission.

  2. Submit your order via google form (USD/IDR) or Pixiv Request (JPY)

  3. Wait around 3~5 work days for invoice email or pixiv notification. If you don't get any email/notif, then your submission didn't get accepted.

  4. Proceed to pay with the method of your choice within 7 days. The amount stated in the email would be minimum amount.

  5. Confirm you payment by sending the transfer receipt to my email. The payment would be completed when I received the amount in my account.

  6. Wait for the request to be worked on. Please check Trello to see the queue.

  7. Your request result will arrive in your email when it is done.

  8. Request completed.

Pixiv Request (JPY payment)

Minimum price 
1 characterJPY 4000
2 charactersJPY 8500
3 charactersJPY 13000

Submit your pixiv request here

Google Form

For request with payment other than through pixiv request, please submit your request in the form hereYou will be able to pick payment options as well.

Minimum price (USD/IDR)  
1 characterUSD 30IDR 200k
2 charactersUSD 65IDR 450k
3 charactersUSD 100IDR 700k